Confrentation of Bullying Part 2

 The Confrontation of Bullying Part 2

 April 25,2022

        Bullying is something that has become a common sickness spreading all throughout the world. Over the years as society grows and technology bullying begins to evolve. It was once just simple bickering and picking on one another to more emotional, mental and even physical predicaments. These types of problems can cause serious harm to any individual throughout the course of their life. This is mostly found in our educational system especially. 

                Anyone can be a protagonist or bully for short and it doesn't start because of some small reasons normally a series of bigger events. Some examples are lose of a loved one, not being treated right by others, abused, socially being outcaste and the list goes on. Bullying can even turn the nicest of people into a common bully. This sickness is not limited to just one group of people, anyone can be effected no matter your background. 

                The CDC even recognizes bullying creates significant health problems, some examples are socially, mentally, emotionally and lastly physically. These types of health problems severely effect mostly young children but have a tendency to also cause problems even in their adulthood. For the social effects it tends to create this boundary of separation, meaning for the victim its hard to make friends and build those necessary relationships with others to have a more happy lifestyle. Which can negatively effect someone even mentally which ties along with the social aspect it can rapidly drain someone and cause their mental health to plummet. 

                It doesn't stop there bullying also has the capability of harming someone physically. Bullies sometimes have a tendency to even take it to the extreme and harm another person by assaulting the victim by either punching, kicking, pinching and the list goes on. Sometimes, this event can bring up future emotional problems as all these are connected and have an origin in the same place, and that is our very own educational system. Kids nowadays are ruthless and determined, as they will stop at nothing until their goals are meet and with the advancements we are making in todays society it's much easier to accomplish the goals they have. 

                However, there's the controversial point of "toughen up" or "be a man" is almost non-existent or even just not as effective. I believe that to some extent people should still follow this but to a certain point, meaning if its as simple of a person picking on you  for something minor or something you just cant control then telling your child to toughen up would be an ideal thing to teach. Unless the situation is way beyond the point of ignoring or toughening up then other actions are in order to help stop from futher escalation. 

                Bullying can be prevented before it either happens or even in the future for someone. Common ways are to obviously speaking up about the situation to a trusted adult or friend, this allows to not only have someone that is trusted to listen to what is happening but also might to be able to shed some light in the current problem. Another way is to ignore the bully the less attention you give them the more likely they will not be appealed to bully you. Confrontation is also another common tactic that is used today, if you are able to stand up to your bully and express your feelings towards them sometimes the bully will try and avoid confrontation. 

                In conclusion bullying is a cancer that is spreading all over and needs to be stopped, or at least needs to be recognize as a serious problem. Its absolutely disgusting and needs to spread awareness to others who don't realize it is happening and show them ways to help prevent bullying if witnessed. Not only could this impacts someone in a positive way and greatly improve their overall health, but also will make society so much better. Then just maybe bullying would either be non-existent or even not very common. The plague that once was a thorn to our side since the dawn of time will now be almost a distant memory if taken action now. 





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